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Indigenous Summer Solstice Virtual Festival 2020

From June 1 to 21, there will be a virtual edition of the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival.

You can find the official Summer Solstice Festival website here.

The festival has been running for over 22 years and offers an amazing array of entertainment, cultural sharing and learning opportunities.

Social Distancing Pow WowTune in for Indigenous music and performances, including the Pow Wow dance competition in partnership with the Social Distance Pow Wow Facebook group.

In addition to the Pow Wow there are education days, arts and crafts workshops, culinary workshops, family & culture events, and of course live music and dance!

Make sure you check out the website regularly as they are still updating the information. It is a great way to participate and celebrate national indigenous history month. It should be a very interesting and unique way to share and partake in culture!

It will be interesting to see the impact of the event and how others embrace this format to keep people connected and involved with important cultural sharing like this.

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